Wednesday 23 September 2015

Artsy Day in San Diego

28th April, Day 3 of American Adventure
On the 28th April, we ventured out of L.A and took a bus down to San Diego. We went to San Diego with no plan at all which wasn't really the smartest idea, because we got in and had no idea where to go and what to do. We finally decided to go get a coffee from Starbucks and plan from there, also there are a butt load of Starbucks like everywhere in America, its weird but wonderful at the same time (I love me some coffee).
Anywho, after having at look at 'things to do in San Diego' we decided to walk from Starbucks to Balboa Park.
On Google Maps it said it was like a ten minute walk which we thought was easy even in the heat, which at this point was already like high 20's and getting hotter, in the end it was a lot longer than 10 minuets and there was a hill.

By the time we got there, we didn't really know what we were going to be doing, so we started off by going to the Botanical Building because at least it was cooler in there. We got there by getting on some tram thing that was really cool and meant less walking. Then we walked around for a while looking at all the really nice buildings. Then as luck would have it we went into some art museum and there was a Dr. Suess exhibition which I thought was the most amazing thing ever as I love Dr. Suess. I don't care how old I get I will always love shit like that, we even got to colour in our own Cat in the Hat hats, which took place on a really small children's table but we didn't care it was funny. I had to educate my friend Faith though because she had never watched any movie that was done from a Dr.Seuss book:o

If I remember correctly after Dr.Seuss heaven, we finished looking round Balboa Park and went to get some food, after that we went back towards Starbucks and went to a supermarket to get dinner for later because we had an early the next day as we would be going on our first 8 day tour around the west part of America.
I haven't yet decided how I'm gonna go about talking about the tours so I'm just gonna wing it.
I've put a few pictures up from San Diego, hope you like. Ciao

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