Monday 21 September 2015

From England to Los Angeles

26th April 2015, Day 1 of my American Adventure. I have finally decided to blog about my time in America. I thought doing this would be a good idea because all in all it would mean that my time in America will be forever within my reach if I ever want to reminisce about my travels. I've decided to merge two days into one post, this may happen in a few other posts because admittedly there were a couple days where me and my friend Faith (the person I went travelling with) decided to sleep and relax because seriously travelling is tiring.
I was travelling in the US and Canada for 7 weeks I believe, the majority of the time we did it all on our lonesome, but we also took part in two organised tours that took us around a lot of different places that we wouldn't of necessarily have seen in the space that we went and it would have cost a lot more.
I left my lovely bed in England at 4 in the morning on the 26th April to be picked up and driven to London Gatwick at 5am. The longest I had ever been away from my family and house was a week tops, so the fact that I was going away for 7 weeks was a huge deal, my mum even cried;)
I flew with Norwegian Airlines which was a first for me and it was honestly a very good airline with a lot of leg room and the windows were really cool, one of the pictures I have posted on this said post is of the landscape of Greenland and its blue because of the windows, you could like control the lighting in the window which was beyond cool and made my pictures look well good!

I finally arrived in Los Angeles after an 11 hour flight at like 6pm, it took around an hour to get to my hotel which was the Stay On Main Hotel, as soon as we got in we went straight up to our rooms and ordered a Domino's Pizza, by the way Dominos in America is nowhere near as good as Dominos in England, just saying.
27th April, Day 2 of American Adventure.

This was my first full day in L.A, which of course meant my camera had turned itself on in my bag and had run out of battery, so I used my iPhone for the day. Before we came to America we booked a lot of hop on hop off buses so we could get around to a lot of different places. So the day didn't start off great seeing as we had to run for the bus in L.A which is insane because how hot is it there I mean oh my god! I'm from England I like the cold.

We spent the day going to the Hollywood Sign, well looking at it from a telescope, I was not walking all the way up there. We went to the Chinese Theatre where everyone kept trying to sell me music and saying how amazing it was for them to meet someone from Australia. This happened all the time actually, so many Americans thought I was Australian, I don't in the slightest bit sound Australian.
We then drove round Beverley Hills, and went to Santa Monica Beach, where we went on a ferris wheel and then we ultimately realised that we were burnt like tomatoes because we were stupid and didn't put any suncream on! Finally we went to Venice Beach which was my favourite place, think we spent about half an hour watching everyone skateboarding, they were honest to god amazing and good looking:').
We finally decided to go back to the hotel at like 7pm cause jet lag was starting to set in, but then we got lost walking home so it took a lot longer than anticipated, we also found a supermarket called Wallgreens which in future became our favourite place to go for supplies and food!

I honestly didn't intend for this post to be so long but hey ho, anywho thanks for reading, I'm hoping to do more posts on my trip in the future. Hope you like the few pictures I put on here. Ciao.

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