Thursday 24 March 2016

San Francisco, Day 1

The 7th May was the first day of our time in San Francisco. We arrived in San Francisco at 7am, with it being so early when we arrived at our hostel it meant we couldn't check in, so we ended up going to the hostel lounge and had a nap for a few hours. After we finally checked into our room we started our first day in San Fran.
Our first stop was Union Square which was literally a 5min walk from where we were staying, we started there because it was where our hop-on-hop-off tour bus was picking us up. We stayed on the bus for a while just sight seeing and learning about San Francisco and the history behind a lot of the buildings.
We decided to get off the bus at Pier 39 which ended up being my favourite place in San Francisco. The first thing we did was go and get a corn dog!! Ever since I watched The Princess Diaries and Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews went down to the Pier and got a corn dog I have always wanted to try one and I finally fulfilled my wishes and tried one. Unfortunately I really didn't like them:'(( While we were eating them we decided to go take a seat on some benches without realising a show was about to start. The show involved this proper funny British dude doing gymnastics and acrobatics, it was a really funny and amazing show, he was also incredibly good looking and we were sat on the front row wooo.

After the show finished we finished walking around the Pier and visiting all the shops. We then went back to the bus stop and hopped on the bus again which took us to Washington Square where we had a sit down and played some card games in the sun. We also went to Golden Gate park, but didn't stay very long because we were eager to go to see the Golden Gate Bridge. We decided to sit up top obviously to get the best view of the bridge, but it turned out to be a huge mistake it was insanely windy and cold and me and Faith were dressed in vests and shorts. I'm pretty sure I almost lost my sunglasses cause they almost flew off my face. I guess the view made up for it though.

As soon as I knew I was going to America I made a list of all the restaurants I wanted to go to because a lot of places we don't have over here in England and one of those places was the Cheesecake Factory so that night we decided to treat ourselves and go to the Cheesecake Factory. The food was really good and relatively cheap but the portions were huge so I had to get a doggy bag to take back to the hotel with me, I honestly felt like I might pass out with how much food I consumed, this meant we were too full to actually get some cheesecake but we just decided to go back the next day to get some to take out. I have realised that portion sizing in America is like 10x bigger than what it is in England and I felt bad with all the food that kept going to waste cause I couldn't eat it all . We then walked back to the hostel and caught up on GOT!!!

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