Thursday 24 March 2016

Travelling with Take Tours, Days 7 & 8

I'm going to be combining two days into one post because day 7 just consisted of going to the Grand Canyon during the morning and the Cirque Du Soleil show at night. Then day 8 was just driving back to L.A and then getting a bus to San Francisco.

On the 5th May we made our way over to the Grand Canyon, we went to the West Rim part of the Canyon which is a separate tourist area run by the Hualapai Tribe of Indians. We got to see a lot of huts and totem poles with pieces of information along with them. We also went to some Old Western prop place full of shops and really cute horses which were adorable.
We were then left to our own devices to roam around the Canyon for a few hours. It was actually insane to see just how huge the Canyon is and I didn't even see half of it. It was pretty surreal being there because I never would have thought I would visit the Grand Canyon. I took a lot of different pictures of the Canyon but I really wanted to get a picture of my feet hanging over the edge all like Mr Ben Brown, so I asked Faith to hold my hand while I went over cause yano I didn't wanna slip and as we were getting to the edge Faith had a melt down and started saying I was going to die so I couldn't actually get the picture because she then started making me worry.
At round 1 o'clock we decided to go get some lunch, because we got given a pass for free food. I can honestly say the food there is on point. I hadn't had a proper meal for a while and it was so nice to have a good ol cooked meal.

When we got back to the hotel we spent some time chilling by the pool and trying to tan. We then started to get ready to go the Cirque Du Soleil Zarkana Show which was showing at the Aria Hotel which was an all around amazing hotel. That show was the most amazing show I had every been too, it was so mind boggling watching them do all their tricks, especially because it was like a circus but without having all the horrible animal tricks involved. When we got back to the hotel at around 9.30 we decided to have a movie night.

We got to sleep in till 9am on the 6th May it was pure bliss. The 6th May was the day we made our way back to L.A, on the way back we stopped off at Tanger Outlet which is like the Designer Outlet here in England which has a range of different shops but it is all discounted. I ended up buying a new Marc Jacobs purse for $50 which in England is like £40 which was a right bargain. When we arrived back in LA we got dropped back off in China Town and said our goodbyes to our tour guide and group. We then got an uber and made our way to the bus station where we had to wait a good 5 hours till our bus arrived at 11.30pm. Trying to sleep on the bus was proper hard so I eventually gave up and just caught up on TV seeing as greyhound buses have free wi-fi.
Finally we arrived in San Francisco at 7am and made our way to our hostel. My next post will be about my days in San Francisco.

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