Tuesday 22 March 2016

Travelling with Take Tours, Days 4 & 5

I feel like writing about my time at Yellowstone might be difficult and in all honesty a little boring. Yellowstone is one of those places that you have to visit to understand the gravity of how amazingly breathtaking it is, I really tried to capture the park as well as I could within my pictures,but I am no professional photographer as much as I like to tell myself I am;) That is why this post is consisting of the two days I was there and will probably be more pictures than words.

Our first day at Yellowstone started at around 6am, by this point in the trip I was finally getting used to the late nights and early starts- just barely.  We started the first day off by visiting Old Faithful Geyser which is one of the parks most well known features!! We arrived at the Old Faithful Geyser just after it erupted so had to wait another 30mins till the next one, but it was worth the wait because it was amazing! We also visited the Mammoth Hot Springs and the Artist Point.
Throughout the park we visited a lot of the different Geyser Basins that Yellowstone had to offer. Near the end of the day we visited the Fishing Bridge and Yellowstone Lake which is the largest single body of water in Yellowstone, but, we went in May and the whole lake was covered in ice.

The wildlife at Yellowstone is intense though, I live in West Yorkshire and the most exciting wild animal I have ever seen is probably a Stag. I saw hundreds and I mean hundreds of buffalos and a lot of deer. But wait. I also saw the top of a bears head! I know, try not to be too jelly. But really, I wish I saw a lot more wildlife than I did.
After a full day at the park we made our way back to the hotel. Me and Faith then decided to venture into town on an adventure for some decent food and have a wander! I found buying food in America hard, especially when half the time we were there we didn't have a kitchen. I think thats what I missed most when I was away was the good ol British food. We finally found a bar that did take out pizzas. I waltzed on in and like a normal person asked for a margherita pizza- cue the strange look from the guy at the bar asking why I wanted a drink. It means two things over on this side of the pond, a drink and a pizza!!!

The second day consisted of us visiting a few other springs that we missed out the first day (which I can't remember the names of) after that we made our way to the Grand Teton National Park, where we saw more buffalo, and took a lot of pictures of the sun rising cause it was hella early.
After that we started our 6 hour drive to Salt Lake City. Once we got there me and Faith just bedded in because we were shattered.

Ok, well I wrote a lot more than I anticipated! Oh well! I hope you like the pictures! Bye.

Yellowstone Lake!!

Artist Point.

Midway Geyser Basin.
Grand Teton National Park.

Old Faithful.
Yeah thats right, I got this close to a buffalo, but then got told off. 

Mammoth Hot Springs.

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