Tuesday 22 March 2016

Travelling with Take Tours,Day 2

Well, I failed miserably at posting daily about my trip to America. So lets just forget that that happened and just continue on with my travel blog, and I'm really going to try stick at it this time, life just gets in the way sometimes. So I'm sorry!!

So day 2 of Take Tours, consisted of me and Faith waking up at 4.30am and then leaving our current hotel at 5am!!! We left Utah and started driving to Arches National Park which I think is a 3hour drive but we didn't arrive till around 10 because we made a few stops to get food etc etc. The first part of the park we went to was the Courthouse Towers trail, which gave us a panoramic view of the Three Gossips - Tower Of Babel and some others which I can't honestly remember, I also had a really nice view of the La Sal Mountains.

After taking many a picture and shamelessly a lot of selfies, we made our way over to the Devils Garden Trailhead, and started a nice trek up to the Double O' Arch, bearing in mind it being really really hot and I'm from England, I don't like the heat all that much so it was rather difficult. But all in all it was worth the effort because it was really interesting seeing the Double Arch especially because if I'm not mistaken only a few weeks before a lot of rocks had been falling off the Arch.
We ended up walking to another view point, but I can't remember what it was called and I couldn't take many pictures because it was heaving!

After all that walking we got back on the bus and made our way to Denver, which meant driving through Colorado. Colorado is mad though, I felt like I was driving through a bunch of different states at once, from it being sunny one minute then to it snowing the next, it was mad. We didn't spend long in Colorado, just had one stop by a river, but I really want to go back because all the houses look amazing and I definitely want to go skiing there!

I put a few pictures down below! Enjoy.

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