Monday 24 September 2012

Angry Birds Cake

My sister had to make her friends brother birthday cake at the weekend, baring in mind she is 12 I think this cake is absolutely amazing she decided to do Angry birds, she did them in hills because the cake wasn't smooth enough but oh well I decided to help because she was so stressed so I made all the birds woop there great I like doing stuff like this because its fun and different, it was a devil chocolate cake with vanilla frosting I didn't try it myself but if my sister made it then its bound to be amazing she is a very good cook then everything else is used with rolling icing, In my opinion I think that her cake was excellent just thought I would show you this because I was very proud of her. 

Winter's a brewing

Winter/Autumn is truly on its way. Thought I would talk about winter/autumn today so I decided to get a few pictures off the internet and then put a couple of my own pictures on like the one of me in my original One Piece and then a picture of my fire as it was very very cold in my house so it was needed to be put on. Winter is by far my favourite season of the year I absolutely adore big jumpers and cardigans sitting by the fire lighting Christmas candles love drinking hot chocolates and of course Christmas and Halloween the conkers are beginning to fall and in the UK it isn't exactly the type of weather I wanted like the cold frosty days instead it has been raining not even lying absolutely all day was soaked when I got home but I have started wrapping up buying new winter clothes and shoes, it is kind of horrible at the moment but I really hope it gets better and snows that will be great I also cannot wait for Halloween don't know why I am so excited for it you will be getting a blog post of what I will be wearing for Halloween because I think I should be going to a party, you should really blog a post on what you like about winter!

Thursday 20 September 2012

Zebra Nails

 Finally decided to do a nail post so here it goes, I decided to do a different zebra nail design instead of using black and white I used blue and black I got inspired to do this from a great nail artist the link is going to be below, I started off by painting my nails with a topshop blue and then I used the models own stripper I think I did two layers of the blue nail varnish for better coverage sorry that the pictures are not very clear I was using the hand that I don't take pictures well with. I then decided to use the barry m clear top coat so that it gave it a glossy look I might but more nail turtorials on but be a bit more descriptive sorry that its so short a bit busy with all my work for a-level you should really look at this girls youtube channel its great.

Sunday 16 September 2012

Style Icons

  • Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner  
  • Blake Lively 
  • Millie Mackintosh 
  • Emma Watson
  • Alexa Chung
  • Nicola Roberts 
Millie Mackintosh is from Made In Chelsea, I adore her fashion sense from this image you can see that she can dress so casual and make it look so designer like when its all high fashion, but then she can also wear such glamorous outfits which make her look sophisticated and I think that's what I like about her fashion sense she just makes anything and everything look so nice I mean she pulls off a fur waistcoat in summer? with denim shorts, and then she adds the wellie's  with the outfit too which is very unique and different.
 Emma Watson...where do I start I have loved Emma Watson ever since she was in harry potter I love the outfit she is wearing in this image she is on the red carpet and yet she is styling out the leather jacket and skirt and shirt which I love I love any outfit with a leather jacket included in it I also love how she has clashed the patterns with each other I myself never do that because I think I look silly but she pulls it off both her shirt and skirt are the same print and it works really well and then she brightens it up with a pink clutch which is great, and like Millie Mackintosh she can make her outfits look casual too. She is a true English girl when it comes to fashion and I absolutely love it.

Alexa Chung I don't really know much apart from the fact that she was a presenter in T4 and I always see her in my favourite Look Magazines and company magazines I think she is just very unique with her fashion and is very different and doesn't follow anyone's fashion and its great. I can't right next to Nicola Roberts so will just write it here she is from Girls aloud as everyone knows she again is very original when it comes to her fashion sense she also wears a lot of highstreet clothing including vintage her jeans are from Topshop and then her jacket/top is from a vintage shop its just very original and not like her fellow band members which I like.

 Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner the faces of Sherri Hill and the new trend setters in America, I love there fashion its a lot like mine in the way its very casual and different and I love the way on a daily basis there put pictures of there outfits onto twitter as I always like to look at what they wear Kendall is my age so I relate to her fashion type too but I love love love Kylie's fashion and she is 15 I think her fashion is more urban and vintage which I love.
I love Blake Lively like a lot her fashion is all designer and she always looks elegant and expensive I don't think I would every wear what she wears at my age but maybe when I'm older I might but she always looks absolutely gorgeous and expensive and I love that about her fashion she always differentiates it which makes people like her style even more because she can be very versatile I hope one day that I can dress like her because her style is absolutely amazing.
Sorry for such a long blog post but I had to have a fashion rant ha hope you enjoy and do something similar please comment below. 

different post

Because I chose to make this blog about anything and everything so I thought I would blog about my weekend may not interest you but it was rather good, on Saturday me and my sister decided to make a Chinese for my mum and her two friends including me and my sister, we had previously made it a couple of weeks ago just for my mum and she absolutely adored it that's why we did it again so I decided to show you what I made and what it all looked like just so you could maybe have ago at it yourself and I will include all the books I used two which to be honest were only two. I only decided to take two pictures of the mains and because I forgot to take pictures of the starters so I will just tell you what I made for starters,
Starter: I made calamari with chilli sweet sauce then crispy chicken with peanut sauce I got both of these recipes out of Chings Fast Food recipe book which is honestly such a good cook book because its gives you recipes that are so easy to follow.
Mains:  Me and my sister made 1)Poppa Wans Soy Glazed chicken which is chicken thighs with honey soy sauce and lots of oil and then sprinkled with chilli's and spring onions that's the one which you can see very clearly in the second image 2)Chicken and cashew nut with some wierd made up sauce which my sister made. 3) Scallops with pak choi  then finally 4) crispy chilli beef oh and egg fried rice;) I got 1) from Gok Cooks Chinese, and then the rest is again from Chings Fast Food recipe book. If you need to find out anything about the recipes please comment.

Monday 10 September 2012

wish list

I decided to make a wish list because I have so much free time on my hands;)
1) Is the very popular Cambridge Satchel Company there really popular and so gorgeous I am desperate to have one I like how they have such a big range of different colours from the neon colours the pastel colours and then original colours from before
2) Jeffrey Campbell shoes I have a fake pair of plain ones without studs on, but I absolutely adore them there so different and original and there just great really
3) Mulberry hobo handbag, I'm hopefully getting one of these for my 18th birthday which I can't wait for I think I will get a different one to the one in the picture I want it to be black and instead of the gold plate I want it to be imprinted in the bag instead its really nice but I couldn't find the one on the internet so this will have to do
4) I'm desperate to get this Ugg slippers for around  christmas they would be so cosy and lovely but in about a couple of weeks I'm going to a shopping centre in Chester where they sell Mulberry bags and Uggs at discount prices so I'm hopefully going to get some then.
5)Ipad 3 I think it is the one with the camera I have the original one well my sister does and I really want one of my own so I can have it like an iphone and laptop I think it would be much simpilar than using everything else I have.
6) Winter is so close and I can not wait its starting to get colder and get darker earlier and I am already excited and I even have the christmas countdown on my ipod its 105 days by the way so I'm really in the mood for a different type of scarf and I thought this would be good.
Hope you like my wish list you all really should check all the stuff out its great.

outfit of the day

Hello honey's  thought I would post an image of my outfit today, as I have mentioned in previous posts I am in sixth form so today I wore a plain black blazer which I got from ArkClothing its a really nice fit and dosent have huge shoulder pads in which I like as it will make my shoulders look huge so thats why I like it so much I think, then I wore this burgundy top from Primark it doesn't have any buttons it what so ever and it has the gold collor tips on which are really good and different I wore that with a plain black belt with a skirt from UrbanOutfitters and it has little pockets on the front its really cute then wore it with some tights and my fred perry pumps comment below if you like these and want me to them regularly tomorrow I think I will be blogging about nail art.

Sunday 9 September 2012


 This is my vogue collection which me and my sister have started I love Vogue becuase it has all the designer clothing in it and its absolutely wonderful in my opinion so I started this collection in July so just recently but I get the vogue magazines in the post every single month so I will never ever not have my Vogue magazines.The picture below is all of the magazines laid out and there are a couple of extra ones because when you get your magazine you get a little mini one with it cute.

Now this is just a small part of my Look and Company magazine collection because I have way to many of them to show you I get the Look magazine every Tuesday then the Company one every month not gonna lie I love Look magazine and Company magazine more than Vogue probably mainly because I know that if I find something I like in Look or Company that I know I can afford it,well most of the time. I do honestly want to work in a magazine one day think it would be an absolutely amazing experience never know maybe one day thanks for reading you should really start reading any of these magazines there great also the Look Magazine and Company Magazine websites are also really good to look at they add alot more stuff on there websites so have a look at that and


Thought I would make a post about what I wore yesterday during the day and then at the party I went to later on.
This was what I wore during the day (excuse the short legs) I'm wearing floral jeans from a shop called Kit&Kaboodal and then I am wearing a t-shirt from Paul Smith which is one of the mens top as I j'adore the men t-shirts a lot more then the women tops which is probs slightly weird, I also wore some plain cross silver earrings and left my hair curly.

I then had to decide what to wear to my friends 17th and that was such a challenge because I had no idea what to wear so my bedroom became a bomb site but this is what I ended up wearing, I decided to wear my mums pink floral crew dress with my black leather waistcoat which I got from Ark, then my white converses with my polka dot socks;) I also wore my peace sign necklace which I got from Urban Outfitters so that was what I wore but I maybe should have brought more clothes to cover up with for when I walked home as it was absolutely freezing. Hope you liked knowing this ha erm leave comments if you need to know anything about anything thanks!


thought I would just quickly whack this picture up of me my mum and sister on our walk yesturday

Friday 7 September 2012

new found love not gonna lie I think I am actually obsessed with this girl I am not even kidding her voice is incredible and I cannot stop listening to all of her songs I have most of them all downloaded on to my ipod very much think everyone should listen to her and subscribe to her channel fanks honey's..

Been a while

Think it has been like 3 months since I last posted anything on this blog really, and I only really did 3 posts dont know what happened really was very determined to do it then got so busy with it being summer and all oh and of course it being my birthday which was very busy I also went to london for it and leeds festival and just was very busy so over the next few days I think I am going to be posting about the haul's I have been having over summer so that should be good, I will also be posting about my day trips fun;) and about the party I am at tomorrow ooh and how I am handling being in sixth form enjoy reading them if you do;)