Sunday 9 September 2012


 This is my vogue collection which me and my sister have started I love Vogue becuase it has all the designer clothing in it and its absolutely wonderful in my opinion so I started this collection in July so just recently but I get the vogue magazines in the post every single month so I will never ever not have my Vogue magazines.The picture below is all of the magazines laid out and there are a couple of extra ones because when you get your magazine you get a little mini one with it cute.

Now this is just a small part of my Look and Company magazine collection because I have way to many of them to show you I get the Look magazine every Tuesday then the Company one every month not gonna lie I love Look magazine and Company magazine more than Vogue probably mainly because I know that if I find something I like in Look or Company that I know I can afford it,well most of the time. I do honestly want to work in a magazine one day think it would be an absolutely amazing experience never know maybe one day thanks for reading you should really start reading any of these magazines there great also the Look Magazine and Company Magazine websites are also really good to look at they add alot more stuff on there websites so have a look at that and

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