Sunday 16 September 2012

Style Icons

  • Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner  
  • Blake Lively 
  • Millie Mackintosh 
  • Emma Watson
  • Alexa Chung
  • Nicola Roberts 
Millie Mackintosh is from Made In Chelsea, I adore her fashion sense from this image you can see that she can dress so casual and make it look so designer like when its all high fashion, but then she can also wear such glamorous outfits which make her look sophisticated and I think that's what I like about her fashion sense she just makes anything and everything look so nice I mean she pulls off a fur waistcoat in summer? with denim shorts, and then she adds the wellie's  with the outfit too which is very unique and different.
 Emma Watson...where do I start I have loved Emma Watson ever since she was in harry potter I love the outfit she is wearing in this image she is on the red carpet and yet she is styling out the leather jacket and skirt and shirt which I love I love any outfit with a leather jacket included in it I also love how she has clashed the patterns with each other I myself never do that because I think I look silly but she pulls it off both her shirt and skirt are the same print and it works really well and then she brightens it up with a pink clutch which is great, and like Millie Mackintosh she can make her outfits look casual too. She is a true English girl when it comes to fashion and I absolutely love it.

Alexa Chung I don't really know much apart from the fact that she was a presenter in T4 and I always see her in my favourite Look Magazines and company magazines I think she is just very unique with her fashion and is very different and doesn't follow anyone's fashion and its great. I can't right next to Nicola Roberts so will just write it here she is from Girls aloud as everyone knows she again is very original when it comes to her fashion sense she also wears a lot of highstreet clothing including vintage her jeans are from Topshop and then her jacket/top is from a vintage shop its just very original and not like her fellow band members which I like.

 Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner the faces of Sherri Hill and the new trend setters in America, I love there fashion its a lot like mine in the way its very casual and different and I love the way on a daily basis there put pictures of there outfits onto twitter as I always like to look at what they wear Kendall is my age so I relate to her fashion type too but I love love love Kylie's fashion and she is 15 I think her fashion is more urban and vintage which I love.
I love Blake Lively like a lot her fashion is all designer and she always looks elegant and expensive I don't think I would every wear what she wears at my age but maybe when I'm older I might but she always looks absolutely gorgeous and expensive and I love that about her fashion she always differentiates it which makes people like her style even more because she can be very versatile I hope one day that I can dress like her because her style is absolutely amazing.
Sorry for such a long blog post but I had to have a fashion rant ha hope you enjoy and do something similar please comment below. 

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